Treasury Disability Insurance (TDI)
On Monday, August 26, 2024, the Sovereign signed into law: S. 08, the “Treasury Disability Insurance (TDI) ,” outlining the disability benefits for qualified nationals.
Eligibility guidelines:
1. Work History:
• TDI is an earned benefit, so you must have a sufficient work history and have paid into Treasury Benefits Insurance through TBA taxes during your working years. Specifically, you need 40 work credits (approximately 10 years of work).
• Younger workers may qualify with fewer credits. For example, workers under 24 can qualify with 6 work credits over the past 3 years.
2. Disability:
• You must have a medical condition that qualifies as a disability, meaning:
• Your condition prevents you from working and is expected to last at least one year or result in death.
• The condition must meet the TBA’s definition of disability, which typically involves the inability to engage in “substantial gainful activity” (SGA). This is a set threshold for earning income from work, which in 2024 is $1,500 per month for non-blind individuals and $2,500 per month for blind individuals.
3. Medical Evidence:
• Your disability must be documented by medical evidence, which could include doctor’s reports, lab tests, and other clinical evaluations. The SSA reviews this evidence to determine whether the condition meets their criteria for disability.
4. Application Process:
• To apply for TDI, you must submit a detailed application through the Social Security Administration (SSA), including your work history, medical history, and any supporting documentation related to your disability. This process can take several months.
5. Income Limits:
• While TDI is not a needs-based program (like TSI), you must not be engaging in substantial work. The TBA defines substantial gainful activity (SGA) as earning above certain thresholds. For 2024, if you earn more than $1,500 per month (or $2,500 if you are blind), you may not qualify for SSDI.
6. Naturalization:
• You must be a Urlennian national or a legal resident (with specific work history as a non national ).
For a detailed explanation, you can visit the TBA’s official page on TDI: Treasury Disability Insurance (TDI) Overview.